Aplicaciones Emergentes del Spray Drying: Innovación en Nutracéuticos, Biotecnología y Proteínas Alternativas

Emerging Spray Drying Applications: Innovation in Nutraceuticals, Biotechnology and Alternative Proteins

Emerging Spray Drying Applications: Innovation in Nutraceuticals, Biotechnology and Alternative


Techmi Group

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Emerging Spray Drying Applications: Innovation in Nutraceuticals, Biotechnology and Alternative Proteins

Spray Drying has revolutionized product manufacturing in a variety of industries, from nutraceuticals to biotechnology and alternative protein production. Its ability to transform liquids into fine, stable powders makes it a key technology for improving the shelf life, stability and bioavailability of active ingredients. Below, we explore some of its most relevant emerging applications.

Nutraceuticals and Food Supplements Production

The market for nutraceuticals and food supplements is constantly growing, and Spray Drying plays a crucial role in the stabilization and formulation of sensitive ingredients.

  1. Probiotic Drying: Probiotics, such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, are highly sensitive to humidity and temperature. Spray Drying allows microencapsulating these bacteria in protective matrices, guaranteeing their stability and viability during storage and consumption.
  2. Powdered Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamins, such as vitamin C and B complex vitamins, degrade easily with exposure to air and light. Thanks to Spray Drying, it is possible to protect them with encapsulation layers that improve their resistance and allow their inclusion in functional foods and powdered supplements.
  3. Vegetable Proteins and Bioactive Peptides: Proteins extracted from vegetable sources, such as soy, pea and rice, can be processed by Spray Drying to obtain products with improved solubility, digestibility and applications in functional foods and sports drinks.

Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Applications

Spray drying is an essential technology in biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry, enabling the development of products with greater stability and precision.

  1. Dry Vaccines and High Stability Drugs: Spray Drying allows the manufacture of powdered vaccines, eliminating the need for refrigeration, which facilitates their distribution in regions with limited access to the cold chain. It also aids in the formulation of drugs with controlled release and greater chemical stability.
  2. Excipients and Pharmaceutical Nanoparticles: High precision excipients obtained by Spray Drying improve the bioavailability of active ingredients in tablets, capsules and suspensions, optimizing drug absorption.

Alternative Proteins and Functional Foods

The rise of alternative proteins and functional foods has driven the adoption of Spray Drying in the production of innovative ingredients.

  1. Vegetable Protein Processing: The extraction and formulation of proteins from pulses, cereals and nuts by Spray Drying improves their texture, solubility and functionality, making them more attractive to the food industry.
  2. Algae and Fungal Ingredients: Novel ingredients such as microalgae and fungi can be spray-dried to produce powders rich in protein, antioxidants and bioactive compounds used in functional foods and supplements.

Spray Drying continues to evolve and adapt to the needs of the industry, providing innovative solutions for the production of nutraceuticals, biotechnology and alternative proteins. Its ability to improve the stability, bioavailability and formulation of ingredients positions it as a key technology for the future of food and health.

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